Target is not the only one

Cyber Attacks Are More Common Than You May Think
During the latest shopping season, over 70 million customers’ information had been stolen when Target’s online security was invaded. This identity theft included names, mailing addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and credit card information. Over the years, retailers have taken measures to make cyber crimes more difficult, but some still manage to slip through the cracks by using malware, also known as a RAM scraper. Criminals use this to catch encrypted data when it travels through a live memory feed in a computer. This information just goes to show that cyber attacks are more common than you may think, but rarely publicized.
Most retailers attempt to keep breaches in cyber security secret because they are afraid it will hurt their business. Neiman Marcus, J.C Penney, and Nissan have also been victims of hackers while others try their best to remain unknown.
Shawn Henry, F.B.I.’s top former cyber police officer has stated, “There are two types of companies: companies that have been breached and companies that don’t know they’ve been breached…I’ve seen behind the curtain. I’ve been in all the briefings. I can’t go into the particulars because it’s classified, but the vast majority of companies have been breached.”
To learn more about what cyber experts have to say about situations such as this, visit