In an economy that is still slowly struggling to rise back to financial stability, people continue to be extra mindful of what they’re spending. Companies, which have a lot of day-to-day costs, are especially trying to be resourceful. When it comes to minor network changes for a company, even something like installing new routers or rearranging access points can nip at their pocketbook. Businesses that do not have a managed services agreement in place have only their own internal toolsets to rely on for IT support. Consequently, anytime there is an IT issue at hand, the company not only winds up paying for the actual repair or upgrade but they wind up sacrificing the time of their employees in order to get the issue resolved. That’s why it’s a good idea to look into a managed services provider.
For companies looking to keep costs down while maintaining a level of customer service, an IT managed services agreement is a perfect solution. With more advanced toolsets at their disposal, not only can the company’s IT complications be diagnosed and remedied more quickly, but they will have the ability to access invaluable data.
Here are just a few of the many benefits you’ll receive from a managed services agreement with us:
1. You will no longer have to struggle to put out your company’s IT fires. Think of us as your dispatcher, always on standby. Our support technicians are equipped with more mature toolsets and can therefore respond immediately to any problems that might surface.
2. Problems are less likely to arise. Our job is to be on the lookout for anything that might put your IT environment at risk. With our extensive knowledge we are able to determine when a system is near failure and can, therefore, take advanced measures to prevent the failure from occurring. This way you can avoid losing business caused by downtime.
3. Access to detailed data helps you make informed decisions regarding future IT capacity and performance. We are constantly monitoring the level of performance and the capacity of your company’s file system space, database size, network bandwidth, etc. This tracked information is filed away as historical data which we make accessible to you so that you can better gage what your specific device or database can handle.
4. We help you to better understand your company’s IT infrastructure by provide you with periodic reviews. At this point we discuss with you the state of your system and determine what upgrades or replacements you might need. We’ll also help you determine which technology products, both hardware and software, are most critical in the day-to-day functionings of your business.
If you feel like your system has gone awry, a TechPros technician is just a phone call away!